Articles Museum

Jordi Pardo , Núria Ballester

Publication date: 02/10/2023


El juny del 2022, el Museu Pau Casals va obrir de nou les portes després de les obres de rehabilitació arquitectònica i museogràfica. El museu ha apostat per apropar el llegat musical i els valors humanístics de Casals d’una forma actualitzada, incorporant nous elements i continguts al voltant de la seva figura. La nova museografia dona l’oportunitat al visitant de gaudir de la música interpretada i dirigida per Pau Casals de manera més emotiva. Una proposta museogràfica que s’ha dissenyat mantenint l’esperit de la casa, actualitzant-ne la presentació i, alhora, preservant el caràcter acollidor tan distintiu del Museu Pau Casals.


In June 2022, the Pau Casals Museum reopened its doors after architectural and museographic renovation works. The museum has opted to bring Casals' musical legacy and humanistic values ​​closer in an updated way by incorporating new elements and content around his figure. The new museography gives the visitor the opportunity to enjoy the music performed and directed by Pau Casals in a more emotional way. A museographic proposal that has been designed keeping the spirit of the house, updating its presentation and, at the same time, preserving the welcoming character so distinctive of the Pau Casals Museum.


New times and new museography

#NouMuseuPortTarragona (New Tarragona Port Museum)

Mercè Toldrà Dalmau

Publication date: 27/07/2022


Comprehensive renovation of a port museum created in 2000. The passage of time translated into the need to intervene both in the adaptation of the building (an old goods warehouse) and in a new museography to achieve a more exciting, active and modern experience. Interactivity and immersion are present in the #NouMuseuPortTarragona.


The Impact of the Pandemic on Catalan Museums

Antoni Laporte

Publication date: 20/09/2022


Covid-19 caused a profound impact on the Catalan cultural system and, as a result, on the heritage field too. The global nature of the pandemic had similar effects in all countries. The lockdown first and the following limitations on mobility during the two years of the pandemic caused severe blows on attendance to museums, their income and especially their work teams. The imprint of this crisis left a profound mark in the sector, from fierce situations such as shutdowns and the resulting layoffs to the suspension of many activities. It should be noted that its different effects can be classified according to three main factors: location (museums located in territories with a strong tourist dependence have suffered the most), size (managing teams during lockdown and teleworking has been more complex for large organizations), and ownership (although the impact of the pandemic has been widespread and large and publicly owned museums have suffered severe consequences, the situation has been even more dramatic among the rich network of private facilities, which mostly depend on the income that they gather from visitors). In these long months of the pandemic, the sector focused a very considerable part of its efforts on increasing and improving its digital offer. Hopefully, at least, we used this crisis to consolidate some insight and to update digital resources.
