Alfred Mauri Martí. Centre d’Estudis Martorellencs and Esther Travé Allepuz. Universitat de Barcelona. Institut d’Arqueologia
Alfred Mauri Martí , Esther Travé Allepuz
Publication date: 11/01/2023
This paper summarizes the experience of creating a temporary exhibition. The Centre d’Estudis Martorellencs had the original idea and implemented this exhibition to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the association and the fortieth anniversary of formal archaeological fieldwork in Santa Margarida. During almost a year, since the original idea was thought until the end of the exhibition, the association has been committed to creating a discourse filled with a considerable number of visual resources. The aim was bringing the tasks developed by our association closer to the general public. After the end of the exhibition, it is time to assess the experience and to provide its contents in virtual format for everyone.
Publication date: 02/10/2023
El juny del 2022, el Museu Pau Casals va obrir de nou les portes després de les obres de rehabilitació arquitectònica i museogràfica. El museu ha apostat per apropar el llegat musical i els valors humanístics de Casals d’una forma actualitzada, incorporant nous elements i continguts al voltant de la seva figura. La nova museografia dona l’oportunitat al visitant de gaudir de la música interpretada i dirigida per Pau Casals de manera més emotiva. Una proposta museogràfica que s’ha dissenyat mantenint l’esperit de la casa, actualitzant-ne la presentació i, alhora, preservant el caràcter acollidor tan distintiu del Museu Pau Casals.
In June 2022, the Pau Casals Museum reopened its doors after architectural and museographic renovation works. The museum has opted to bring Casals' musical legacy and humanistic values closer in an updated way by incorporating new elements and content around his figure. The new museography gives the visitor the opportunity to enjoy the music performed and directed by Pau Casals in a more emotional way. A museographic proposal that has been designed keeping the spirit of the house, updating its presentation and, at the same time, preserving the welcoming character so distinctive of the Pau Casals Museum.