Articles Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

Olga López Miguel , Mireia Mayolas Créixams , Gemma Carbó Ribugent

Publication date: 25/05/2023


L’Associació de Professionals de la Museologia de Catalunya, al llarg de tot l’any 2022, va proposar una formació per aprofundir en cadascun dels cinc grans eixos en els quals s’agrupen els ODS, i per reflexionar sobre com poden actuar els museus per aconseguir portar a terme aquests objectius. A través de cinc càpsules, diversos especialistes ens van acostar a les principals emergències i, a través d’una sessió pràctica, es van posar en comú les problemàtiques i pensar estratègies per traslladar aquests objectius a l’estructura i els relats dels museus. Les sessions es desenvoluparen en format presencial a diferents museus de Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Girona i Mallorca, seguint una voluntat d’estar present en el territori del tots els nostres associats.


XXXIII Conference of the Local Museums Network. Museums and SOStainability. From the Mission to the Action— Chronicle and Reflections

Laura Costa Mateo. Head of the Local Museum Network Unit

Laura Costa

Publication date: 11/05/2022


On 17 and 18 November 2021 the XXXIII Conference of the Local Museums Network was held at the Francesca Bonnemaison Space of the Barcelona Provincial Council, live broadcasted via Zoom and entitled “Museums and SOStainability. From the Mission to the Action”. During these two days, leading specialists in the field and various professionals in museums and cultural facilities reflected on the role of museums in the face of the climate emergency. They also discussed how to address the fit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the different areas of the museological activity and management while presenting several experiences and actions carried out by different facilities in relation to sustainability, which are a good example of work in favor of a more sustainable, just and egalitarian society.

This article summarizes the contributions made by the different speakers at the conference, as well as a final reflection as a conclusion.


The importance of culture in the process of establishing Sustainable Development Goals

An opportunity for reflection

Gemma Grau Pérez

Publication date: 24/12/2020


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an ambitious model of peace and prosperity globally. However, the presence of the cultural sector has been unfortunately scarce. Beyond different interpretations, culture did not integrate any of the seventeen goals as a priority. Despite the enormous efforts of groups and institutions, the cultural dimension was relegated to acting as a facilitating instrument. This analysis offers a brief review of the SDGs construction process from the speeches of the participants in the various sessions at the Open Working Group (OWG). The aim is to better understand the mechanisms of the constitutive process of the Agenda 2030 to contribute to the reflection on new proposals for action in support of culture, also in the museological sector.
