Laura Costa

Xarxa de Museus Locals de la Diputació de Barcelona

Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, diploma in Higher Studies Specialized in Basic and Applied Research in Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and master’s degree in Museology and Cultural Heritage Management from the University of Barcelona.
Between 1998 and 2003 she collaborated in the elaboration and writing of various projects in the field of cultural heritage and museum management as an independent professional, and later as a member of the team of the cultural consultancy Artimetria. 
For more than fifteen years she worked as a Cultural Heritage technician in the Office of Cultural Heritage of the Barcelona Provincial Council in the implementation of the various support and advice programs for local museums, and since 2018 she has been the head of the Unit of Local Museums Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council.


ºCrònica de la XXXIV Jornada de la Xarxa de Museus Locals: “Museus, conflictes i crisis humanitàries: el patrimoni com a eina de construcció massiva”

Autores: Marta Bertran Armadans (tècnica de patrimoni cultural), Laura Costa Mateo (cap de la Unitat de la Xarxa de Museus Locals) i Muntsa Guasch Solé (tècnica de patrimoni cultural) – Oficina de Patrimoni Cultural, Diputació de Barcelona

Marta Bertran Armadans , Laura Costa , Muntsa Guasch Solé

Publication date: 27/04/2023


El 22 de novembre de 2022 es va celebrar al Paranimf de l’Escola Industrial, a Barcelona, la jornada “Museus, conflictes i crisis humanitàries. El patrimoni com a eina de construcció massiva”, que es va poder seguir tant de manera presencial com en línia. Al llarg de la jornada, destacats especialistes de la matèria i professionals del sector museístic van reflexionar sobre com els museus poden intervenir durant i després dels conflictes i les crisis humanitàries. Tant pel que fa a la salvaguarda dels béns patrimonials, com a les iniciatives d’acció social i humanitària, i a la tasca de reparació, memòria i educació per la pau. En aquest article es recullen les aportacions realitzades pels ponents que hi van intervenir, així com una reflexió final a tall de conclusió.


XXXIII Conference of the Local Museums Network. Museums and SOStainability. From the Mission to the Action— Chronicle and Reflections

Laura Costa Mateo. Head of the Local Museum Network Unit

Laura Costa

Publication date: 11/05/2022


On 17 and 18 November 2021 the XXXIII Conference of the Local Museums Network was held at the Francesca Bonnemaison Space of the Barcelona Provincial Council, live broadcasted via Zoom and entitled “Museums and SOStainability. From the Mission to the Action”. During these two days, leading specialists in the field and various professionals in museums and cultural facilities reflected on the role of museums in the face of the climate emergency. They also discussed how to address the fit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the different areas of the museological activity and management while presenting several experiences and actions carried out by different facilities in relation to sustainability, which are a good example of work in favor of a more sustainable, just and egalitarian society.

This article summarizes the contributions made by the different speakers at the conference, as well as a final reflection as a conclusion.
