Articles CRAC

Conservation-restoration in Catalonia. A Study on the Current State of the Sector


Publication date: 11/05/2022


Conservation-restoration plays a vital role in the preservation of cultural heritage, but the professionals who work in the sector, mostly women, have been working in an unfavorable context for years due to the lack of legislation, the lack of recognition, the deficit of public jobs, a precarious private practice, and professional intrusion.

Faced with this situation, the professional association Associated Conservators and Restorers of Catalonia (CRAC) commissioned a study of the sector to have a precise analysis with solid evidence and to be able to formulate effective change strategies that improve the situation of both the profession and the conservation of heritage.

This article briefly presents the context of the study conducted by an independent consultant, some key findings, its conclusions and the reflections reached by the research. This work has made it possible to identify, contrast and argue a set of problems, challenges and solutions that the sector faces.
