Articles Muntatge

Francesc Torres. Aeronàutica [vol] Interior. National Art Museum of Catalonia.

Oval Room. Between June 18 and September 12, 2021

Lluís Alabern

Publication date: 14/12/2021


Difficulties and technical misadventures in the assembly process of “Aeronàutica [vol] Interior,” an installation by the artist Francesc Torres in the Oval Room of the National Art Museum of Catalonia. Disassembling two replicas of the Tupolev SB-2 aircraft “Katiuska” and the fighter Polikarpov I-16 “Mosca,” moving them from the hangar where they were built in the Historic Aviation Center of La Sénia to Barcelona, introducing them inside the National Museum, hanging the largest one, the Tupolev bomber, from the Oval Room dome. Is such a technically ambitious project that borders the unlikely even legitimate?
