Catalina Gayà Morlà

Museu Marítim de Mallorca

Director of the research of the Oral Memory of the Sea of the Maritime Museum of Mallorca (MMM).

PhD in Communication and lecturer in the program Serra Hunter from the Department of Media, Communication and Culture of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is a consultant at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and a lecturer in the master's degree in Literary Journalism at the UAB. He has more than twenty years of experience as a journalist in different countries, including Mexico, where she worked for the magazine “Cambio,” directed by Gabriel García Márquez. “Go, Live and Tell” —a Nobel Prize-winning teaching and gift — has marked her entire career as a non-fiction storyteller. In 2016, she launched “Dones,” the feminist program of IB3 Ràdio in the Balearic Islands, which she directed for three years. In 2019 she led a pilot study on sexist violence and social media narratives for the Women’s Institute of the Balearic Islands. She is the author of “El mar es tu espejo” (2017, Libros del KO). She has co-directed the research “Dona’m la Mar” at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona (MMB).


Starting From Scratch: The Public and The Administration, a Co-participatory Link Necessary for the Creation of a New Museum

Albert Forés Gómez , Catalina Gayà Morlà

Publication date: 10/11/2020


In November 2018, the Maritime Museum of Mallorca (MMM) launched a process of public co-participation for its very own creation. That led the museum to meet the community that hosts it and longs for it, and also to learn how to listen to them. This methodology involves imagining—and experimenting with generosity at its core—new communicative scenarios, and its greatest challenge is linking access to and interaction with as requisites for co-participation in museums. Throughout this process we have reconsidered: a) what is the role of communicative processes in museums; b) how we generate listening techniques that bring us closer to people; c) how we build honest narratives; d) how we link the public and the administration.
